Thursday, May 21, 2009


Now there is this blank in ur orkut profile which asks you to mention your turn offs trust me i have so much that i used all the tiny space which orkut provided me cramming it with things that i despise ,things i loathe,things that just tick me in short things that turn me off and orkut has no more of it left so here i am.Before i go any further i would like to mention this one is going to be a little negative and read on if you can stand by the things which pisses me off....

#BACK BITING:-This is something which you, me or everyone has faced.if there is something which someone has a problem about its always better to confront to the person concerened instead of making a big deal about it going around and bitching stuff .I dont understand what kind of pleasure or fulfillment people beget from back biting to me those who indulge in it are a whole bunch of cowards and losers so just BUZZ OFF!!!

#DOMINATING:-This is a trait i come across so often although personally i have not experienced it much. well, at times my brother dominates me but thats what these silly older siblings do,they just claim it to be some kind of birth right!!otherwise i cant stand if there is domination among friends or most of all a commitment because there needs to be a equal amount expression from both sides and not just one side if it goes on then there would come a time when the submissive person could rage up beyond imagination and create a havoc to the relationship itself!certainly bad!!

#SMOKING:- I simply detest it for the very fact it ruins your health.its your body something that you have all rights to say "its mine".if you have that right then you have the responsibility of taking good care of it.smoking smokes this whole theory away. i have had enough arguments and rows with some of my friends who smoke.Many presume smoking to be cool but whats cool now is going to affect you in the long run. May be its hard to quit but if you really want to you sure can quit! why ruin something good and intact given to u?

#SPITTING ON THE ROAD:-its simply yuck!!! its the most annoying thing for me. i just hate to write about it because i am forced to run through instances of me encountering people spitting on the road(especially the ones who chew paan!)in my lets this out because it makes me want to puke and yeah to sum it up i hate people who spit on the roads... Dirty!!

#PROMISE BREAKERS:- If you cant keep up to your word dont you give it away because its the basis on which people place a trust on you and when the word is not kept the trust is eventually broken! trust is the ultimatum of any relationship and there is no point whatsoever when it is broken!!

#SELFISHNESS:- Think about yourself!good!but when you tend to overdo it you become selfish...Every human being does it some point or other but let it not imbibe in you as you are not what you are if not for the people around you!!keep in mind others as well!!!

#POSSESSIVNESS:- this term is used to determine the degree of love a person has for someone but i think this many a times invades ones space there are a million other ways where you can show your love not essential that you have to be a possessive person to express your love. if the person concerened accepts your way of showin love then good for you but if he or she doesnt then its high time you work hard to learn to give them their space placing trust upon them!they might love you more for being understanding and not invading in their space!

#DESPERATE PEOPLE:- there are various number of people craving for something or the other some for money, attention, love dont have to be desperate..keep in mind everything is going to happen in the right time and if something has to happen it will definately happen .instead of craving and brooding for somethin you might as well take the right measure to work on it see what you can do about it if there is nothing you can do about then just move on...brooding and craving makes you look more like a loser!!!

#HANGING UP THE PHONE ON ME:- HULLO!!!AM STILL TALKING!!you cant let me go without actually allowing me to complete what am about to say...irritates me like hell!!and if you hang up the phone on me it does not mean you are right and i am wrong... hmph!!!

#HYPOCRITES:-Preach only what you can practice!!if not just shut up!!you ll gain respect if you live upto your standards and principles but if you go around bragging about principles that you hardly follow then you are only making big fool out of yourself!!

#TAKING PEOPLE FOR GRANTED:-the pain of it would be understood only when someone does that upon you this more an advice to people who are being taken for granted ,Never make someone a priority in your life when your only an option in theirs and people treat you the you let them treat you(valuble advice given to me by sowmi)!!put your foot down if you think you are not being treated upto your expectations!!

#COMPLAINING:- this is one of my oldest turn off which i think began since schooling days where there would be a geek next to me who would be meticulous in everything he or she did and would complain about me to the teacher for he or she would shine bright in elation and i would get my teachers piece of mind for i was a very bad student!!!hate you geeks!!!seems funny now though...not so funny when i come across someone like this in college!!!hate you still!!

#SARCASM:- say it out straight rather then sucking the soul out of the person!!seriously sarcasm literally does that!!the person who you are being sarcastic with could be worse than you if he gets the opportune moment!!sarcasm is nowhere close to the solution!!

#BAD LISTENERS:- hold on!!!you can talk after am done with mine!!!i feel like saying stop yapping n listen for once....most of the times bad listners make no sense of what they speak as well makin them good at nothing!!listening is as good as a skill as communicating. costs nothing but a moment of your time and a little of your patience!!

#JEALOUSY:- if its good compliment!!you ll be loved for it... dont burn with jealousy for its going to take you nowhere end up throwin yourself in a bad light...think good and be good!everybody gets what they deserve so your jealousy is going to spoil only your peace!!

#HARSH WORDS:- think twice before you act or speak..your anger cannot hurt another persons feeling...leaves lasting impressions on the affected person and the relationship itself...

#SHOW OFFS:- ok you have it now what!??stop bragging and boasting.!modesty always takes you to places...your efficiency need not be proven by your words but by your actions!

so well, these are certain traits among people which i cant bear to see it was actually good venting it all out...its a hard thing to encounter this i defiantely wont get used to any of it i simply cant!!!all i can do is vent n ya i did it!Try hard not to turn someone off!!

1 comment:

Dimplicious said...

Whoa whoa whoa Wt a post!!True it does make up for a negative read bt yeah worth it..filled up wid loadsa advices as wel!!hmmm tat u hv mentioned above does irk us one time or d other..N yeah each one out der ends up displayin one or the other definitely at sum point of der lyf..gud thing wud b to learn from ur mistakes n move ahead!!Neway good post after a long tym..Keep it goin,babes!!