Friday, February 6, 2009


The D day for one of my closest and oldest friend, I know this lass since the day I remember, has played an integral role in my life, ask anyone you know and they would identify her as “Oh!!Gayathri???the dancer???”Yeah, such was her identity…she is indeed the greatest dancers who would surely make it big in the days to come by. As long as I remember she has been showing a great interest in dance, for she was enrolled in her dance class at the tender age of five, a master in all the nuances and intricacies of "bharatnatyam",she is just so professional. With a profound interest in the art she has the fire and passion beneath that ever giggly and charming face.

Her “arangetram” was something I longed to see the most, for the talent and interest she possesses she should have done it like ages back but this girl took all the time to become a master in it and she really did prove herself today. She is blessed with such innate grace and elegance that it was such a beauiful experience watching her perform .She sizzled, made the audience smile, left them with Goosebumps, carried them away with her beautiful expressions, such emotions my god.!!!takes you to another world….

Since we were in the same class I have seen her performing a numerous times, but the first time she left me stunned was during a performance at a temple simply amazing she was it was a number which expressed Lord Shivas moods of peace and anger ,she danced so well that people who were praying left their prayers mid way to watch the performance, the whole temple witnessed her dance with such rapturous attention and that day I knew she would surely create ripples with this profound talent of hers. That performance is still etched in my heart.

Today was the most awaited day, the day she proved her true mettle and was rewarded for the same, the day she made her parents so proud of her, the day she captured all the attention,the day she left us all awestruck,and the day she grew up as the most beautiful dancer who has a very bright future!!!!gayu ma your dedication and practice has been given you more than you can ask for!!your such an inspiration!!!!All the very best dear!!!!CONGRATS on todays heart warming performance!!!!Commendable!!!!Waiting to see a lot more from you!!!Way to go girl!!!Am soooo proud of you!!!


Pal said...

Yep.. Kudos to Gayatri for her beautiful rendition and Sindhu, great compliment to her

Dimplicious said...

Awesome post!!A true tribute to her...Gosh..U guys make me feel so bad for missing it now!!!

silent screamer said...

gee,i wish i was there....nice compliment by the one who posted the blog :-)

Reflections said...

thanku all!!!!she deserves a lot more than this for her hard work.....

Unknown said...

yeah guys...ur rite....she desrves more than tis!!!!!rock on!!!

geeviky said...

ya gaYU ROK ALWyz..! my girL LA..! :p

abilashni said...

Awesome Machiii........ cant stop reading it over n ovr agn.... scha sweet hert d u r :) Prayers 4 al suces n ur future :)