Thursday, November 6, 2008


This is ma first ever blog ...hmmm well wats a blog??k let me tell u how all this began the first time i encounter this four letter word is in an article ,exclusively dedicated to this on readers digest (dated ages back) in fact i remember skippin that article n goin on wid one of ma favourite magazines... few months back i came to know d big shots of bollywood n elsewhere pourin in their emotions on their blogs..(readin filmy magazines always helped) this aroused my interest... once i chanced upon ma cousins blog(a series of very interestin entries with a tinge of humor n sarcasm which one wud love to ponder upon )and it resulted in a conversation between me n my close fren sow...she suggested sayin that i should definately become a blogger n i decided to go check wat it is exactly....before that i had to undergo the series of usual procedures of typin out ma name mail address n a twisted confusin word(meant to confuse u)n thus i ended up here typin this text this must be it ...A BLOG...Whoa!!! so my first entry is done...whereas all this while i had been broodin upon wat to write on ma first blog...

1 comment:

Dimplicious said...

Welcome aboard!!!Waiting for your posts!!Good start